Expandio was founded in 2008 by Camilla Rüdén, a systemic organizational consultant and ICF coach. Camilla Rüden has 23 years of experience as an organizational consultant and she is a former co-founder and partner in Indigo Management and active on the board of the Board Academy Sydost. For more detailed information about Camilla see her LinkedIn profile. Expandio also collaborates with a wide network of consultants such as Provins Fem, Cardell Consulting AB, UGLOO AB, Gaia Leadership and Fyrarummaren AB.
Camilla Rüdén has 23 years of experience as an organizational consultant and coach. In recent years, she has begun her international career and taught at the University of Birmingham. She has a triple coaching education and a Diploma in Systemic Organization and Management. Certified in Klart Ledarskap (Clear leadership) and the Four Rooms of Change. She is a former co-founder and co-owner of Indigo Management and previously active on the board of StyrelseAkademien Sydost. For more detailed information about Camilla see her LinkedIn profile.
ISO 26000 is a guiding standard for corporate social responsibility. It contains a self-declaration that the organization itself can work through. The standard is jointly developed by representatives from over 100 countries and is established as a national standard in 80 countries. In the spring of 2021, Camilla trained as a Certified Impact Auditor in ISO 26,000.
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"What I appreciate most in our collaboration with Expandio and Camilla is the fine balance between selected theories, sensitivity and the ability to challenge us as a customer."
Expandio is proud to have satisfied customers in the private and public sectors. Each assignment is met with a large dose of experience and the working method follows the core values: Responsibility, Desire & Curiosity.
Expandio is based on an appreciative approach and these methods find support in research in areas such as AI (Appreciative Inquiry), Systems Theory and ALC (Action Learning Consulting).
Expandio is an innovative company that is constantly working on new ideas ... Stay tuned!